מודעות רגשית: מושג אינטגרטיבי בהבנה ובפסיכותרפיה של הפרעות גוף-נפש (פסיכו-סומטיות)
Emotional awareness: an integrative concept in understanding and psychotherapy of mind-body(psychosomatic) disorders
בהשתתפות: פרופ' ריצ'רד ליין, פרופ' גולן שחר, ד"ר יורי סלע, ד"ר יעקב עזרא, מר יונה לוריא, ד"ר אורי גנור, גב' עדי לובינסקי, ד"ר קרן צרפתי, ד"ר שלמה מנדלוביץ
יום העיון מתקיים בשיתוף המרכז לבריאות הנפש שלוותה, האגודה הישראלית לפסיכותרפיה
ומכון מפרשים לחקר והוראת הפסיכותרפיה במכללה האקדמית תל אביב יפו
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome greetings:
Shlomo Mendlovic, MD, PhD, Director of Shalvata MHC //
Sharon Ziv-Beiman, PhD, Head of Mifrasim Institute //
Yacov Ezra, MD, Co-chair, Israeli Psychosomatic Society //
Ori Ganor, MD, Organizing committee
09:15 - 09:55
keynote lecture
Affective agnosia: Deficits in the mental representation of emotional states in functional somatic syndromes
Richard D. Lane, MD, PhD, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
09:55 - 10:35
Authenticity and Self-Knowledge (ASK): An evolving theory of vulnerability with an application to somatoform conditions
Golan Shahar, PhD, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
10:35 - 11:15
The koan of bodymind in psychoanalysis: The presence of vitality and the vitality of presence
Yorai Sella, PhD, Dmut Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy; Psychotherapy Program, Tel Aviv University, Israel
11:15 - 11:35 Coffee Break
11:35 - 12:05
The role of insight in the distinction between conversion disorders and functional somatic disorders
Yacov Ezra, MD, Soroka Medical Center, Beer-Sheva, Israel; Israeli Psychosomatic Society
12:05 - 12:25
The role of insight: A clinical case example
Yonah louria, MA, Hadassah Medical Center, Meuhedet HMO; Yacov Ezra, MD
12:25 - 12:55
Between avoidance and attachment:
Behavior, mentalization and object-relations in mind-body disorders
Ori Ganor, MD, Shalvata mental health Center, Clalit HMO, Israel
12:55 - 13:20
Senses of movement: a group therapy model for mind-body disorders, integrating Dance-Movement-Therapy, mindfulness and psychodynamics
Adi Lubinsky, MA, Shalvata mental health Center, Clalit HMO; Ori Ganor, MD
13:20 - 14:10 Lunch
14:10 - 14:50
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy trials for resistant PTSD, and the Hakomi somatic psychotherapy
Keren Tzarfaty, PhD, MFT, Hakomi Institute of Israel
14:50 - 15:30
keynote lecture
Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal and the process of change in psychotherapy of bodily distress
Richard D. Lane, MD, PhD, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
15:30 - 16:00
Panel Discussion with the speakers
Moderated by Shlomo Mendlovic, MD, PhD, Director of Shalvata MHC and former head of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy program, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Rationale: Why focus on emotional awareness in psychosomatics?
Various physical symptoms are related to a person's emotional state, especially in the 'psychosomatic' field, in functional somatic disorders such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic pain syndromes, 'somatoform' disorders, etc., as well as many cases of post-traumatic stress. Diverse therapeutic approaches have evolved throughout the years to treat such conditions, with many sharing the common thread of aspiring deeper and more thorough acknowledgement and awareness of our emotions. Whether it is psychoanalytic and psychodynamic orientations, therapies based on Buddhist mindfulness or cognitive-behavioral approaches, hypnosis, or experience and emotion-focused therapies- emotional awareness seems to stand as a compass guiding therapy, and as a key concept in conceptualizing the pathology and therapeutic principles.
Our wonderful speakers
We are thrilled to host Prof. Richard D. Lane (MD, PhD), whose rich body of research in the past three decades has substantially enriched our understanding on emotional awareness, its neural mechanisms, and the ways in which it is connected to pathology and change mechanisms in treatment, especially in the psychosomatic field. A Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Arizona, a clinical psychiatrist and psychodynamic psychotherapist with a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Prof. Lane has developed and established the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (operationalizing measurement of a continuum starting from awareness of basic emotion-related physical sensations up to the more abstract blends of blends of differentiated emotional feelings), which is currently in widespread research use. He was also one of the first researchers to perform functional brain imaging studies of emotion in the 1990s and continues studies on emotion, emotional awareness and neurovisceral integration to the present using fMRI. His research on emotion, the brain and heart disease has been funded by a variety of sources including K and several RO1 grants from NIH. He is the author of 165 papers and book chapters. As an educator he served as director of the psychotherapy curriculum for psychiatric residents at the University of Arizona for over two decades and has received seven awards for teaching and mentoring. He was President of the American Psychosomatic Society in 2005-6, elected member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and elected Honorary Fellow of the American College of Psychoanalysts. Richard Lane will present the keynote lectures, opening and closing the conference.
Golan Shahar (PhD) is a Professor of Clinical-Health Psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, where he directs the Stress, Self and Health Lab (STREALTH). He also serves as Visiting Professor of Psychiatry and Child Study at Yale University School of Medicine. He is the author of over 190 publications and book chapters in the fields of personality, stress, psychopathology, psychosomatics and psychotherapy, and has authored the book "Erosion: The Psychopathology of Self-Criticism", which was published by Oxford University Press in 2015. An outgoing Chief Editor of Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, Prof. Shahar treats adolescents and young adults with complex psychopathology and psychosomatics.
Yorai Sella (PhD) is a clinical psychologist and a Humanistic-integrative psychotherapist. He is the co-founder and co-director of 'Dmut Institute for East-West Integrative Psychotherapy'. Dr. Sella teaches post-graduate courses in the Psychotherapy Program, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, and the School of Psychotherapy, Magid Institute, Hebrew University. He is a member of Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, and of the steering committee of the 'Integrative Psychiatry' service, Ha'emek Hospital. His book "From Dualism to Oneness in Psychoanalysis: A Zen Perspective on the Mind-Body Question" was published by Routledge press in 2018. Dr. Sella has practiced Tai-Chi and martial arts for over 30 years and is a student of Zen-Buddhism.
Yacov Ezra (MD), a neurologist, is deputy director of the Neurology department and director of the functional neurology department at the Soroka medical center (affiliated with Ben-Gurion university) in Beer-Sheva. He practices and teaches clinical hypnosis, and is a co-founder and co-chair of the Israeli Psychosomatic Society.
Yonah louria (MA), is a medical Psychologist. He is the head of the medical psychology unit at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, and works at Meuhedet Health Services. He works with patients in various medical fields, such as bone marrow transplantation, cardiology, non-epileptic seizures and chronic pain.
Ori Ganor (MD) is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist (psychodynamic and integrative), at the Shalvata mental health center and in private practice. He currently serves as deputy director of the Kfar-Saba mental health clinic (Shalvata and Clalit HMO) and is the founder of a small mind-body disorder treatment unit within it. For several years, Dr. Ganor has been co-moderating with Adi Lubinsky a group-therapy model treating patients suffering co-morbid psycho-somatic symptoms (to be presented). He's been involved in research in the fields of psychotherapy routine measurements, functional brain-imaging of emotional states, and psychosomatics. He is a long-term mindfulness practitioner and has led the organization of the current conference.
Adi Lubinsky (MA) is a Dance-Movement-Therapist (DMT), at the outpatient clinic of the Shalvata mental health center and in private practice. She also holds a Masters degree in Women's and gender studies. For several years, Adi has been co-moderating with Ori Ganor a group-therapy model treating patients suffering co-morbid psycho-somatic symptoms (to be presented). She dances, studies and practices Zen-Buddhism.
Keren Tzarfaty (PhD, MFT) holds a PhD in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and is co-founder and co-director of the Hakomi Institute of Israel. She is a clinical investigator in the FDA approved MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD clinical trial. Dr. Tzarfaty specializes in integrating psychodynamic psychotherapy with body-oriented psychotherapy, attachment psychotherapy and trauma psychology. She leads trainings for Health professionals in Integrative Psychotherapy in Europe, the US and Israel, bringing together years of learning and professional experience.